Information according to § 5 DDG, § 2 DL-InfoV, § 18 MStV:
Benefitax GmbH
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Hanauer Landstr. 148a
D-60314 Frankfurt
Fon +49 (0) 69-25 62 27 60
e-mail: info(at)
Authorized Managing Director: Dipl.-Kfm. Oliver Biernat, Wirtschaftsprüfer [German Chartered Accountant] Steuerberater [German Certified Tax Advisor], Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht [German Certified Advisor in International Taxation]
Responsible for content:
Oliver Biernat
c/o Benefitax GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 148a
D-60314 Frankfurt
Fon +49 (0) 69-25 62 27 60
Fax +49 (0) 69-25 62 27 611
e-mail: info(at)
Legal seat: Frankfurt am Main, Commercial Register at district court Frankfurt am Main, HRB 77128
VAT registration number: DE248508321
Country of registration: Germany
The brand “Benefitax” has been registered as brandname with the registration number 30622634 at the German patent and brandoffice (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt).
Notes to auditing services
Competent chamber:
Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (WPK = Chamber of Chartered Accountants), Corporation under Public Law,
Rauchstr. 26, 10787 Berlin
The following provisions of law apply to the auditing work:
Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO),
Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer (BS WP/vBP),
Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle,
Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflichtversicherung (WPBHV).
All these can be found on the homepage of the German Chamber of Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer) on
The legal title “Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft” has been granted to Benefitax GmbH in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Notes to tax consultancy services
Competent chamber: Steuerberaterkammer Hessen (StBK = Chamber of Tax Consultants), Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Europa-Allee 52, 60327 Frankfurt am Main.
The following provisions of law apply to the tax consultancy work:
These regulations can be found on the homepage of the German Chamber of Certified Tax Advisors (Steuerberaterkammer) on
The legal title “Steuerberatungsgesellschaft” has been granted to Benefitax GmbH in Germany in the federal state of Hesse.
Engagement Terms:
In case of an engagement the “General Engagement Terms for Wirtschaftsprüfer and Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften” in the latest version are applicable, unless other agreements have been taken in writing. “General Engagement Terms”
Please note, that we are not prepared to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board (Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle) within the meaning of § 2 of the German Act on Consumer Dispute Settlements (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)
Professional Liability Insurance has been contracted with HDI Versicherung AG
HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover. All information referring the area and scope covered by the insurance are at our clients’ disposal at our premises.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction: Place of execution for all mutual obligations resulting from contracts concluded with Benefitax GmbH is the seat of Benefitax GmbH which is also deemed place of jurisdiction.
Online Dispute Resolution Platform (Article 14 (1) ODR Regulation) and Consumer Dispute Resolution (§§ 2, 36 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act):
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which can be found at Our e-mail is: info(at)
Please note that we are not willing and not legally obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of §§ 2, 36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.
The layout and design of the web pages as a whole and the individual elements are protected by copyright. The same applies to the editorial contributions in detail as well as their selection and compilation. Any use of the offer may only be made with our consent.
Copyright of the photos and videos used:
Own database, Oliver Biernat,,; Adobe image archive ,,
We have carefully checked the information and links on our website for accuracy. Nevertheless, we exclude liability in connection with their use and reliance on their accuracy.
Disclaimer regarding our international alliance
GGI, a stock corporation under Swiss law with its administrative headquarter in Baar, provides no legal, audit or other professional services to clients. Such services are provided solely by GGI member firms in their respective geographic areas. GGI and its member firms are legally distinct and separate entities that are absolutely independent and autonomous. They are not and nothing shall be construed to place these entities in the relationship of parents, subsidiaries, partners, joint ventures or agents. No member firm of GGI has any authority (actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to obligate or bind GGI or any other GGI member firm in any manner whatsoever. We do thus assume that the legal definition in accordance with sec. 319 b), para. 1, p. 3. HGB (German Commercial Law) does not apply and GGI is therefore an alliance and no network in the sense of the network definition in the EU directive.
We do legally and economically not depend in any kind from the other members of the GGI alliance. Benefitax GmbH assumes all liability for the mandates assigned to us; in no case any other company, study or consultant will be liable although it might bear the name “GGI”, “Geneva Group” “GGI Global Alliance” or “Geneva Group International”. In the same manner, Benefitax GmbH does not assume any liability for mandates assigned to other companies, studies or consultants although they might bear the name “GGI”, “Geneva Group”, “Geneva Group International” or “GGI Global Alliance AG”.
Copyright of photos and videos: Fotolia, I-Stock, Pluspol, Oliver Biernat, own material; Adobe Bildarchiv, – © rcphotostock (19436),,
Declaration on data protection: Protection of your privacy and personal data is of upmost importance for us! Please note therefore the following information:
Anonymous collection of data: As a rule, you can visit our web sites without providing us with your personal data. Only for statistical purposes we are informed about the name of your internet service provider, the page from which you accessed our website and the pages of ours that you visited. As a single user you remain anonymous.
Collection and processing of personal data: Personal data is collected and processed by us only if you provide it voluntarily, e.g. for processing a contract or a survey or for registration for personalized services. If you do not object, data collected in the process of registration for personalized services of Benefitax GmbH is processed for customer management and marketing purposes as well as for the customer-orientated development of electronic services.
Use and forwarding of personal data:
No data is forwarded to states outside the European Economic Area.
Personal data collected by us on our web sites are used without your consent only for processing your enquiries and requests. Moreover, if you do not object, your data is used only for customer management and marketing purposes as well as for the customer-orientated development of our electronic services. Beyond that no data is forwarded to other third parties.
You can express your objection at any time with an effect towards the future.
External links: For your information our web sites contains links to third parties. These are either clearly identified or we explicitly indicate the existence of an external link. Benefitax GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the contents and design of sites of other providers. Therefore the warranties under this declaration on data protection do not extend to such sites.
Further information and contact: If you have further questions about Benefitax GmbH´s data protection procedures, please contact our data protection officer. He would be happy to provide you with information as to whether – and if so, which – personal data we store in relation to you. Moreover, you might send at any time your questions and requests for modification or deletion of your personal data as well as comments and suggestions by e-mail or by regular mail to the following address:
Benefitax GmbH
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
z. Hd. des Datenschutzbeauftragten
Hanauer Landstr. 148a
D-60314 Frankfurt
Tel. ++49 (0)69-25 62 27 60
Fax. ++49 (0)69-25 62 27 611
e-mail: info(at)