Tax consulting for automative companies and their suppliers
Experience in the supply industry
The German economy thrives on its successful automotive industry. Benefitax is highly specialized on one hand, but also diversified on the other hand, in terms of the customer structure. We help clients from the automotive sector to comply with tax regulations, provide advice on how the tax burden can be reduced and how options in balance sheet accounting and valuation can be used, in order to look good in the annual financial statements. Our clients include some prestigious automotive companies, that significantly contribute to making German cars so innovative. Other clients supply components for the German automotive industry manufactured in foreign countries and thus ensure that the prices remain low or even drop.
Experience in vintage car business
We also possess of experience in the vintage car business, especially regarding issues like determining when business activities in connection with vintage cars in Germany are taxable (permanent establishment), whether business activities only qualify as a hobby, or whether income tax only taxable abroad. When transporting vintage cars across the border, customs and tax related regulations are to be strictly followed, so that undisclosed reserves are not disclosed unintentionally and that you do not have to pay unnecessary im- or export duties.
Tax consulting in the automotive sector
We provide the following services for the automotive sector:
- Cross border VAT related queries answered for companies from the automotive sector
- Support in tax field audits and fighting for your rights, even in fiscal courts proceedings, if necessary
- Compilation of expert opinions (e.g. correct VAT handling of all possible business transactions, group-restructuring, cross-border corporate income tax issues)
- Issues related to international taxation. Transfer price determination and transfer pricing documentation. International assignments. Transfer of functions.
- Preparation or audit of annual financial statements and tax balance sheets
- Audit reviews and reviews of reporting packages
- Advice on tax planning
- Consultation on company succession,e.g. consideration of questions related to gift tax and inheritance tax
- Participation in M&A transactions, especially company valuation, financial due diligence, tax due diligence.