Tax Consulting & Auditing
Taxable income from foreign investment funds without sale or distribution! GGI FYI International Taxation News (Autum 2024), Oliver Biernat
How to increase the net salary of employees in Germany: Tax free benefits GGI FYI Newsletter International Taxation (Spring 2024) , (Oliver Biernat)
Key information on International Transfer Pricing Filing Regulations in Gemany ; GGI FYI Newsletter Special Edition “Transfer Pricing”, Autmn 2023, (Oliver Biernat)
Global minimum tax agreement GGI FYI Newsletter International Taxation (Spring 2022), (Oliver Biernat, Ashish Bairagra, Alan Rajah)
VAT registration needed for sales in online marketplaces in Germany despite purely VAT exempt sale GGI FYI Newsletter Indirekt Taxes (Spring 2022), (Martin Thieslauk)
Gift tax trap for intra-family transactions in Germany , GGI FYI Newsletter Trust & Estate Planning, (Autumn 2021) (Martin Thieslauk & Zlata Velagic)
10 Tax Tipps You Should be Aware of Before Relocating to Germany , GGI FYI Newsletter International Taxation, (Autumn 2021) (Oliver Biernat)
New Administrative Principles “VWG 2020” on Transfer Pricing in Germany 2020 , GGI Insider 113, May 2021 , (Oliver Biernat)
Considerations of Financing Inbound Investments into Germany, GGI FYI Newsletter International Taxation, (Spring 2021 ) (Oliver Biernat)
COVID-19 and its Effects on Transfer Prices of Routine Companies (GGI Insider 111, January 2021 ) (Oliver Biernat)
Extraordinary Insolvency Filing Rules Resulting from COVID-19 in Germany , GGI FYI Newsletter Debt, Collection, Restructuring & Insolvency (Special Edition 01/2020 ) (Oliver Biernat)
Tax Implications of Beneficiaries of Foreign Trusts Moving to Germany. GGI FYI Newsetter Trust and Estate Planning (Spring 2020) (Oliver Biernat)
GGI ITPG Global Tax Summit in the City of Skyscrapers . GGI insider 106, March 2020 (Eva Sutter und Oliver Biernat)
Quick Overview of the International Tax Compliance Regulations in Germany . GGI FYI International Taxation News, Special Edition: Working Together to Optimise International Tax Compliance , Februar 2020 (Oliver Biernat)
Operators of Internet Marketplaces are Liable for the VAT of Their Traders, GGI FYI International Newsletter, Indirect Taxes , April 2019 (Susann Roll)
An Odyssey through the Bureaucratic Jungle, GGI FYI International Newsletter, Labour Law , April 2019 (Martin Thieslauk)
Donations and Inheritances – When do You Need to Inform German Tax Authorities, GGI FYI International Newsletter, Trust Estate & Planning, April 2019 (Oliver Biernat)
Trade or private activity? GGI FYI International Taxation News, Special Edition: The Taxation of Income of Cryptocurrencies in Varoious Jurisdications , March 2019 (Oliver Biernat)
Segmentation of loss-making activities within a company, GGI FYI International Taxation Newsletter , October 2018 (Oliver Biernat)
Tax Treatment of cryptocurrencies such as Bitoin in Germany , published in GGI Insider no. 95, page 29, (by Oliver Biernat), article also availabe on this homepage here .
Introduction of a New Transparency Register in Germany , December 2017 (Oliver Biernat)
New German License Barrier, GGI FYI International Taxation Newsletter , October 2017 (Oliver Biernat)
New Court Decision Changes Rules for Going Concerns in German, GGI FYI Debt, Collection, Restructuring & Insolvency Newsletter , October 2017
How to save money with a salary split, GGI FYI International Taxation Newsletter , April 2015
Release of article on GGI partner blog on specific tax considerations for US businesses planning to expand to Germany: ,01/2015
VoluntaryGGI DCRI News PDF disclosure of tax evasion, GGI FYI International Taxation News Spring 2014
Investing in Germany – business delegation of the gretaer Frankfurt region in India: Automotive and IT, MOTORINDIA, 12/2013
2014 Edition of GGI International Tax and Business Guide: information about 54 countries worldwide (reading sample and more in the side column)
Trusts and international tax planning , Prof. Robert Anthony and various GGI fellow members, 04/2013
Recent Tax Changes in Germany , Indo-German Economy, 04/2013
The need to understand other business cultures , 05/2012
Real Estate: ‘Régimes incitatifs – Les inégalités europénnes ‘, Le nouvel Economiste, 04/2012 (published in French)
Germany Establishes Entry Certificate for Intra-Community Supplies, 03/2012
Press series on ‘Establishing a Business in Germany’, ‘Traps when Running a Business in Germany’ and ‘Traps when Optimizing the Tax Structure of a German Unit’, published in English and Spanish
Successful Business in Germany -Law and Tax Guide, by Benefitax GmbH & Salger Rechtsanwälte, 10/2011 (see abstract)
Permanent establishment today , Transfer Pricing International Journal, by various experts from Geneva Group International, 07/2011
Geneva Group International ranked 6th in the world , Accountancy Magazine, 06/2011
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