Income Tax and Income Tax Return
Of course, we also prepare income tax returns. Our clients are more discerning and we can apply our expertise to their advantage, e.g. in the assertion of income-related expenses, special expenses and extraordinary burdens, legal tax planning, anticipated succession, etc. For this reason, we only become active from a fee of 1,000 € net p.a. upwards.
We will prepare your income tax declaration and more
Constantly new tax forms and regulations, not knowing about which income must be declared in Germany or which costs are tax-deductible, multi-layered revenues, fear of doing something wrong and simply not the time to deal with the tax office: these are the most common reasons why taxpayers have their income tax returns prepared by a certified tax advisor. For example, we will support you and your rights in the following activities:
- Preparation of income tax returns incl. preparation of attachments
- Answering questions from the tax office regarding the tax return
- Checking of income tax assessments
- Submitting applications such as extensions of due dates
- Tax registration, deregistration and change of registration
- Objections against tax assessments
- Claims before fiscal courts.
Our clients receive a checklist, which we are happy to discuss with you. This ensures that all income is disclosed and that all deductible expenses lead to a reduction in your tax burden. We will be happy to send you a proposal. If you have submitted German income tax declarations before, please submit the income tax declaration and return of the last two years to us. If you are not sure if you have to submit income tax declarations in Germany we will be happy to check that for you based on an assignment.
Foreign income or you live abroad?
International tax law is our specialty. If you have received income from abroad, we have compiled further information for you on a special page.
If you live abroad and have received income from Germany, we have compiled further information for you on another special page.