New publications by Benefitax employees

We are very pleased to present you the two latest newsletters of our international referral allicance, the GGI Global Alliance AG. In addition to numerous interesting technical articles by our GGI colleagues, they also contain publications by Benefitax employees:

In the latest issue of the GGI FYI Newsletter International Taxation, Oliver Biernat, together with his GGI colleagues Alan Rajah (UK) and Ashishkumar Bairagra (India), has written an article on “Global minimum tax agreement”. Clicking on the photo on the left will take you to the full issue of the newsletter. If you would like to read the article mentioned, just click here.


In the spring issue of the GGI FYI newsletter Indirect taxes Martin Thieslauk wrote an article titled “VAT registration needed for sales in online marketplaces in Germany despite purely VAT exempt sale”. Clicking on the photo on the right will take you to the complete issue of the newsletter. If you would like to read Mr. Thieslauk’s article, just click here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to know more about an article written by another colleague, just let us know and we will be happy to put you in touch.